Thank you so much for a very inspiring and well-prepared lecture! You really are a good lecturer! The seminar, with you as the awesome keynote speaker, has contributed to increased cultural awareness and great commitment to the follow-up measures, including a well-planned language policy for joint information and events, a “social hub” for all the information and updates about all sports and social activities at the institute as well as a weekly lunch gathering with cake (the cake club), where Norwegians speak slowly and clearly to help their international colleagues who are learning Norwegian and need to practice verbally. Measures are important and well-functioning, but the increased awareness and commitment to the issues associated with a multicultural working environment are most important.
I really liked your teaching-lecturing style. I have been teaching for 18 years now, (virtual, international, traditional settings…) and I know methods about how to be efficient in a classroom. So, you really did an excellent job with «Working with Norwegians» in Tromsø, congratulations for that.
Thank you so much for the wonderful course.
Having lived in Norway for many years, I have attended similar courses, but this was special and more rewarding. It was also a good course on leadership qualities in general. The timing and content was excellent.
Thank you!
Thank you very much for the presentation and thanks for the very beautiful course! Although I am few years in Norway (og jeg skulle snakke mer norsk enn nå!) I came across many things I did not know.
Largely useful and fun to attend 🙂
Takk for meg!– Georgios Kalantzopoulos
Thanks for a great course! It was really useful.
You were inspiring!
I would recommend this course to all my colleagues!
Thank you very much for a very useful course! 🙂
I have received a lot of positive feedback today.
One of the guys who is usually quite hard to satisfy, was really pleased and thinks that this was a terrific course. This is a very good reference indeed! 🙂
Good luck with your courses! I think it is very important work.
I attended “Working with Indians” and have given top scores on all the questions on the evaluation form. And yes – I would recommend the course to others. I could clearly have avoided communication problems and frustration if I had attended this course earlier. I was particularly interested in the core of the course, – how we speak , what to say to get the desired response, and also how to avoid anybody losing face.
Thanks for such interesting presentations. For sure we are more prepared to face life in Norway. I’ll keep in mind responsibility and honesty.
By the way, you made it really entertaining. I didn’t feel tired at all after four hours in the evening. I can feel you do your job with love!
I think it was a fun, thrilling and easy to understand workshop.
You are good at teaching and communicating the message in an entertaining way!
I have spent some time absorbing what I learnt in the “Working with Indians” course and I am very pleased about what we learned about Indian attitude towards life, values and way of thinking. I have gained a new awareness of what it means to be a Norwegian, and this will also be useful when meeting people from other cultures.
Thanks a lot for another inspiring session! I learn more and more about how achieve good communication with Indians. What a relief! 🙂
I especially appreciated your respect and great sense of India. This gives a secure foundation for the course.
Good luck spreading this important message! 🙂
The training was excellent! Your presentation had us spellbound!
I attended the “Working with Norwegians” course in Oslo. I must admit a certain amount of skepticism initially. As soon as I got a feel for the agenda, though, I was completely convinced I had made the right choice.
It was the single best thing I did since I moved to Norway. The whole course was one series of “lightbulb moments” one after another explaining things I had missed, misunderstood and otherwise just didn’t ‘get.’
If you have a chance to take the course, I’d highly recommend it!
I want to give you my warmest thanks for the presentation “Cultural awareness as a tool to succeed with Global Sourcing”. The input I picked up there was of be of critical importance during the startup of our team. Afterwards I discussed the cultural differences with my team, and they said that many pieces fell into place for them in terms of how I acted, and the way I communicated the system requirements and my expectations to them.
My team in Minsk is now looking at this “freedom” as an opportunity for professional and personal development, and this reflects in the way they behave towards me in our daily work. Again, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks!
I had an actual epiphany yesterday!! I wanted to jump up and down during the course and call out “Halleluja!!”. Thank you very much!
From my own jumbled views on the Norwegian workplace philosophy, I experienced a leap of understanding that made total sense of the last six years of frustration and disbelief. I feel like a religious convert. What a relief!! It’s true: The Norwegian education and business psychology IS DIFFERENT. The Norwegian way, though looking suspiciously similar to the UK business place, is driven by a set of unspoken rules that are practically and confusingly the opposite!!
The Norwegian schooling and working life were explained in a comprehensive new way. I hadn’t realized those in such a concrete manner before. Also how as a foreigner with a pre-made set of rules there are some simple practical things to do that will help enormously. I got more tips on expected behavior. The depth of understanding I now have has already in just a few hours eased an awful lot of pent up frustration from my soul !
It may sound obvious, but believe me, having someone from the inside explain this in such an in depth, yet easily relatable manner is worth gold! To make it very clear: I would recommend all non-Norwegians working in Norway to attend this course.
I learned a lot in your course and especially from your input at the end of the course! I am very pleased with our cooperation with the Indian team after the course! Thank you, Karin!! 🙂
I would like to thank you for the interesting presentation you held for us. I have studied Nordic languages, literature and ethnology for almost 6 years, but I have never before got such a good insight into the Norwegian culture and manners as I did during your presentation!
I have been living in Norway for eight years and was amazed to find that even after all these years, I could learn more about Norwegians!
The subjects were chosen perfectly well and cover most of the topics a foreigner will meet whilst working with Norwegians. I had some eureka effects during the course. One of the great revelations was the phrase “freedom under responsibility”, which I heard for the first time in your course! It sure did help me “put the pieces together”! Thank you for that! 🙂
You made a great impression on me: I have never met such an engaged and charismatic course instructor! Keep on doing an outstanding work! And thank you for helping “us” understand “you” better!
I was a postdoctoral researcher at NTNU when I attended one of your courses “Applying for Jobs in Norway”. Now I have found a position in a good Norwegian company in the field my interest. It was quite tough but very interesting interview series and I was lucky enough to reach my final goal.
I personally believe that taking your course helped me a lot in the case of both job application and interview preparation. I was able to remember most of the important points/tips from your lecture. Finally I would like say a big thank you very much for sharing very useful and effective information.
The course was very useful – I work in a project with Ukraine (the first one in the company, and everything was very new to us) and we have made many mistakes…. We have wondered about and felt the issues you talked about yesterday. Excellent!
This type of training should be mandatory before establishing any contact with India to avoid critical errors and misunderstandings from the start!
I have been to Norway twice before but I have never attended this type of training describing all about the Norwegian culture. This training will really help us coming more forward and adapt the Norwegian culture with ease. I would recommend this cultural training to all Non-Norwegians visiting Norway!
It was a pleasure meeting you today at the “Working with Norwegians” and “Applying for a Job in Norway” seminars. The knowledge and information that I gained from you are very valuable and insightful, and it was exactly what I needed as a job seeker in Norway. Moreover, it was inspiring to meet someone who successfully managed to build her own company.