
All our training courses/seminars/workshops may be conducted as physical courses or online. Examples are:

  • Working with Norwegians
  • Doing business in Norway
  • Working with Ukrainians
  • Working Indians/Russians etc.
  • Working in a multicultural environment
  • Project management in a multicultural environment
  • Leadership in a multicultural environment
  • Virtual teams
  • Cultural awareness crash course
  • Exploring cultural diversity
  • Increased cultural awareness for enhanced business performance
  • 10 steps for successful global sourcing
  • Norwegian culture- in a social and business setting
  • Applying for jobs in Norway
  • Alcohol culture in Norway – dilemmas and challenges in the workplace

In the column on the left you will find links to our services, where our courses and presentations are divided into groups.

Our most popular course is Working with Norwegians, explaining expectations and what is considered acceptable behaviour in Norway in both a business and social setting.

The content and duration of all our courses and presentations may be tailored to fit the needs of each client. The cultural trainings can be conducted in English or Norwegian, during or after business hours, any day of the week.

All our customers so far have been very satisfied with our courses. As a result, we  are therefore able to deliver our courses with a satisfaction guarantee, where we will not invoice the course fee if the client is not satisfied. Ref. our page describing our added value for the courses: Added value.